

Plays middle to lower pitched notes so generally plays harmony (back up part) to begin with. In more advanced groups the sax is given a more prominent role especially in jazz, rock and pop music.

Things to consider 

  • There are four main sizes of saxophone – soprano, alto, tenor and baritone. The alto sax is the most common and most suited to beginner students.
  • Although slightly heavier than most instruments it is played using a neck strap which helps hold the instrument making it suitable for most students
  • Requires fine motor skills and medium to long fingers

Recommended brands 

Yamaha, Jupiter 

All about the SAXOPHONE

This short video explains the basics you need to know before choosing to play the sax in your school band.

Other Resources

How the pros do it!

Listen to Ismael Dorado perform Let It Go from Frozen on the alto saxophone.

How the pros do it!

The talented MC Music plays The Pink Panther on the soprano saxophone (smaller than an alto saxophone.)

Assembly and cleaning instructions

Some great tips on how to assemble clean and care for your instrument.